Wolves are bigger than your average dog and bigger than other wild dogs. Wolves come in many shades that blend in with their natural environment. Therefore, wolves that roam the forests are quite often dark in color, and those that live in areas where there are plants, such as fields, can come in multi-colors, blending naturally into their living area. A wolf has three layers of fur, keeping them waterproof in the rain. In winter a wolf grows a thick coat which keeps it warm even in the coldest times of winter. A wolf has a keen sense of smell and very good hearing, so that it can smell it's prey more than a mile away, and hear other wolves howling miles away, which is good because their eyesight is not so keen. Wolves differ from each other, some being bigger than others, ranging in colors, have more fur on their bodies, and so different from one another, they are unique and easy to pick out in a pack because of their markings.
If you were following a Ring Photo's taken from various sources. If for any reason you are the owner of these photographs and do not want them shown here, please send notification via e-mail, and I will remove them. Grey wolf used on this page ~ Photo taken by Gary Milburn/Tom Stack & Associates
This site created and maintained by S. Rhodes, Canada I dedicate this site to the hundreds of people and organizations dedicated to bringing awareness and information on one of the most threatened and misunderstood species ... The Wolf Site first opened: February 1997 This page last updated: 07 March 1999 Get your own free page from |