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Isn't if funny how your household pet, your favorite canine and loyal friend is a decendant from The Wolf ... and isn't it funny that those things you find so indearing in the animal you share your life with has inherited it's traits from The Wolf!

Wolves are loyal...very loyal to their own kind, and if tamed early in life they can be loyal to humans as well.  They are intelligent and friendly.  Wolves love to play, live in what we call packs and are very adaptable animals.

So why do people fear and some even hate The Wolf?

Could it be they don't know much about them, or that they believe all the superstitions heard over the centuries?

Let's find out how much you know about them.


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Photo's taken from various sources.  If for any reason you are the owner of these photographs and do not want them shown here, please send notification via e-mail, and I will remove them.

Grey wolf   ~ Photo taken by Michael Loomis


This site created and maintained by S. Rhodes, Canada

I dedicate this site to the hundreds of people and organizations dedicated to bringing awareness and information on one of the most threatened and misunderstood species ...

The Wolf

Site first opened: February 1997

This page last updated: 07 March 1999

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